Sky View (for Dimitris Fragakis)
A 'Ballast' Postscript
Made in humble response to the beautiful exhibition 'Sky View' (2015) by Dimitris Fragakis
5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Curated by Eirini Papakonstantinou
Photography by Dimitris Mermigas
© State Museum of Contemporary Art and the artist
Dedicated to Dimitris Fragakis (the real artist)
If you ever find this, Dimitris, know that I am sorry
The artwork (blue circle on wall) is titled, 'Sky View,' (2015) by Dimitris Fragakis
Pigment (lapis lazuli) mounted on wall , wooden arch construction, acrylic paint
1250 x 450 cm, d.220 cm
Forces: womb-space; embryo-space; a chemistry; the grace of Dimitris; generosity; unbounded care; "have I met you before;" A; awe; change of plan; window open; window closed; body open; body closed; sweeping the floor; setting the lights; blessing the space; uninstalling; gratitude; collaboration; respect; dedication; letting the air in; relief; completeness; the unconditional; when the real work is what happens before and after; care care care; humans; grace all the way; like with A; facilitation; delivery; birthing; its ok A; disarming; the Roman Forum at night